Thursday 7 January 2016

Accused of Plagiarism? Read How to Create Your Plagiarism Defence Strategy

Nowadays, Universities are taking plagiarism - using someone else’s words or ideas without giving proper credit to the author of the original - very seriously and are fighting against it. In the best-case scenario, teachers may decide to award a ‘zero’ mark for a paper or a course; in the worst case, Universities may fail the whole degree or expel the student. This article has been written specifically for those students who have been accused of plagiarism, but who believe that they are not guilty. The article offers some advice to such students on how to defend their position. At the same time, it should be noted that the article is provided for information purposes only, as we do not give legal advice. If you seek legal assistance, you should contact your lawyer who would be in a better position to help you.
There is no doubt that plagiarism is a bad practice which not only endangers your own academic standing, but also hampers the process of scientific discovery. In some cases, plagiarism may even lead to legal proceedings if the authors decide that their work is being misused. In the academic context, however, plagiarism is usually viewed not as a legal infringement but as utterly unethical conduct. For this reason, we have prepared a set of recommendations for you to keep in mind should you face plagiarism accusations.
First and foremost, you must NEVER ADMIT Intentional Plagiarism, as that would be suicidal. If you do admit it, your University or College would be able to do whatever they wish, even fail your degree. Generally, there may be two outcomes of the plagiarism detection process. In half of cases, your University will KNOW and subsequently be able to PROVE that you have committed plagiarism. In the other 50% of cases Universities may SUSPECT that you have plagiarised but would not be able to prove it unless you voluntarily admit having plagiarised.
As a rule, Universities can suspect plagiarism based on the following:
a) The language and style of writing you used in the suspected paper differ from those that you normally employ. This is especially applicable to foreign students for whom English is not the first language. Usually, teachers can easily spot the discrepancies, as the text seems too perfect and 'polished’ and rich in academic jargon and specialist phraseology. If this is the case, your strategy of defence can be to say that you asked a native speaker to proofread your work before submitting it in order to make it more professional and reader-friendly. This is absolutely legal, especially taking into account the fact that many Universities would penalise English language mistakes. Some even try to say, when caught, that the friend who proofread the paper amended the work and that he or she included some ideas without referencing them. This, however, is a shaky strategy, so you should be careful about using it.
b) The usage of models or resources, which were not taught by your tutor or not available in your library. In this case, your strategy of defence could be to say that you did some additional reading or research and/or have a friend studying in a different University who kindly gave you the otherwise inaccessible materials, books or articles. However, you should always bear in mind that, should the need arise, your tutor or academic commission will certainly be asking you questions regarding the resources that you used to write your paper. You ought therefore to make sure that you can answer such questions by preparing meticulously for the meetings. At least, you should know all the titles used and the authors and what each author said.
However, if it happens that your University can prove that you have plagiarised, there could be several defence strategies, such as:
1) In the process of work, you had several drafts of the paper and, as it turns out, accidentally submitted an incorrect version of the report. You can claim that while the rough drafts were not properly referenced, as they were only written to help you plan the paper and give you the overall guidance, the final version was indeed fully referenced and prepared in strict accordance with the academic requirements. At the end of the day, you are a human being and have the right to be mistaken.
2) Your computer had crashed and because of that all the information in the file where you kept all your drafts and extracts from various resources was converted into plain text, which prevented you from being able to differentiate between the bits written by yourself and those copied from other sources. For this reason, you were enormously confused and, given the urgency of the situation, may have misused the information contained in the corrupted file.
3) You simply forgot to put “quotes”. This may happen if you paraphrased other authors’ ideas but forgot to provide the references. In this regard, you should always remember that not only direct quotation but also referencing without giving credit constitutes plagiarism. Similarly, you could say that you had written the text for your own purposes, outside the academic curriculum, a few years ago and later decided to use the material for the assignment, sincerely believing that those were your own words, as the pre-written text, created for your own needs, did not contain any references.
4) If it is a matter of just one or two sentences, you can claim that, having read plenty of information on the topic, you internalised certain ideas and started agreeing with them to the extent that they became your own. Therefore, when writing your paper you made use of the ideas sincerely believing that you were expressing your own thoughts on the subject. Again, you are only a human being and everyone has the right to error. As a variation, you could even say that you have a photographic memory and that some ideas just 'stuck’ to you so that you inadvertently used them as your own. However, beware that the commission might wish to test your unique abilities!
5) It may happen that a University has not briefed students properly on what constitutes plagiarism and how to avoid it. Even if oral instructions may be given, these might not be sufficient, as students overwhelmed by enormous amounts of information can easily forget them. As a rule, Universities will usually distribute any guidelines regarding plagiarism in a written form. However, due to organisational inefficiencies, this may not take place. Should this be the case, you could claim innocence on the basis of ignorance, i.e. not having been informed in due course of the concept and forms of plagiarism and its potential consequences. You should, nevertheless, always double-check if the materials have not indeed been distributed before resorting to this strategy.

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Alan Simpson's "The Marks of An Educated Man" - A Review

In his essay, “The Marks of An Educated Man,” Alan Simpson writes that the training of the mind will help an individual achieve higher knowledge skills. The best results of liberal education cannot be achieved until the mind is trained to think clearly. Without proper brain-training a true liberal education cannot take place.
Since everyone’s brain does not function the same, the same amount of knowledge may not be present in two different individuals. Simpson talks of utilizing everyone’s capacity to think and examine life firmly, therefore making a true liberal education possible, which in turn allows for progress and reform in our educational system.
One of the main thoughts that Alan Simpson presents is the idea of not being afraid to make changes, especially if they will lead to progress in our traditional systems. Simpson goes on to state that a characteristic skill of an educated man is his ability to recognize phony doctrines. A certain amount of skepticism is needed to combat the fact-filled scam artists and fools that populate the earth today.
Without a proper education, we make ourselves more gullible to false teachings. The educated man has tried to develop a critical faculty for general use, and likes to think himself an excellent judge of phoniness. Having doubt allows a person to expand his or her insights on a subject. A person who seeks after a good education will usually ask questions and make sure he or she is given a good answer before being taken in by something false.
The fools, scam artists, and frauds in this wold can mislead others by presenting false messages. The majority who practice this are nothing more than blatant liars, but feel they have a sanctity about them that puts them above everyone else. These so called “authorities” are nothing more than fact finders and very often end up getting caught in their own traps.
Without a liberal education they cannot combine knowledge, skills, an standards. They are for the most part affected by the environment and the media. Lacking a liberal education makes them very open to scams and they are definitely not analyzing, praying, or thinking over situations as they should. These are the victims of prideful scam artists.
Having good liberal education skills can be a preventive device against highly educated scam artists. Shams are a reality to us even in higher education brackets. They surround us everywhere. From the professor to the scientist, both have been known to use invalid and shameful speech. Although persons at the university level can be taken in by shams, people who have little or no educational background are especially prone and will almost certainly fall prey to shams.
University students are influenced by professors and clergymen, but people in the outside of college world are largely influenced simply by what they read, view, and hear.
Simpson’s essay reveals that possessing liberal education skills enables a person to recognize false doctrines. Non-educated people will allow an individual to influence them negatively more than liberally educated persons. Educated persons help to keep the fools and scam artists in their place and away from the follies of human nature within shams.

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Essay Writing Tips - 6 Steps to Writing a Great Essay

If writing an essay seems like a daunting experience, then learning how to break the process down into a number of easy steps will give you the confidence you need to produce an interesting, high quality piece of work. This article provides 6 essay writing tips that will take you from an initial idea through to the finished product.
1. Select your topic carefully
If your topic has many different aspects, then a very useful essay writing tip is to narrow it down to one specific area, and make sure you explain this in your introduction. This will make for better reading than if you try to cover everything, and will definitely improve the quality of your work. If you get to choose your own topic, make it something you are interested in. This way the research will become much easier and your enthusiasm will ‘rub off’ on your readers.
2. Do Your Research
Another useful essay writing tip is to make sure you spend sufficient time looking into all the aspects of your chosen topic. Read as much relevant material as possible, and make notes along the way so you don’t forget anything. Also note down where you have got your ideas from; i.e. author name, book or article title and page number.
3. Write Down the Main Arguments
Once you’ve researched your subject, summarise the main arguments and ideas you have read. Do not copy other people’s words, just choose the important points and summarise these in your own words. This is a highly important essay writing tip - whatever you do, make sure you don’t plagiarise another author’s work.
Prepare the basic structure of the essay in dot point headings, using only a few words to describe each main point. Play around with the structure until you feel that the sequence is right. Put the most important point first, followed by the next most important point, and so on.
Then paste your research summaries under each heading (you can delete these later).
4. Fill Out the Body of the Essay
This is where you discuss in detail your thoughts and ideas on the chosen topic, and 'fill out’ the summaries you wrote earlier. Under each main point, introduce the evidence supporting your theories, together with arguments and any other points you wish to make. A good essay writing tip is to make sure these are thought provoking and interesting, as well as informative.
End each paragraph or section with some type of conclusion, or 'lead in’ sentence to the next paragraph.
Now that you have written the main body of the essay, you can go back to writing the 'Introduction’, followed by the essay 'Conclusion’.
5. Write Your Introduction
In some ways this is the most important part of your essay. One of the best essay writing tips is to use the introduction to grab the reader’s attention and give them a 'taste’ of the information to come that will make them want to keep on reading.
Describe briefly what the essay is about, and your research sources, and explain what the reader will get out of reading the essay. Finish the introduction with a clear explanation of your point of view, or of the main essay idea.
6. Write Your Conclusions
Start this section by briefly summarising the results and conclusions of your research. Tell the reader what your main conclusion is, and why. Make sure you have also checked and formatted your references that will go at the end of the essay.

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Research Paper Template - Tips and Tricks!

Research references, bibliographies and indexes should be done concisely and logically so that a single flick of a finger is enough to reach references that readers are searching for. You may miss out a one or two references as that’s just human but when you are using a term paper model there are very few chances that something like that can happen. Most colleges and schools provide students with the term paper printing models so that you can get your research paper in a set format which is easily accessible by any one and readable on any computer too.
For example, there are four common formatting styles which are used to write papers and they are: MLA format, APA format, CBE format, and Chicago format. Each will have its own fonts, borders, headers, footers, introduction, a first page, index, and a bibliography page according to how professors want it or how your citation style is written. All you have to do with the outline is to add your written work in to the already formatted outline to have the perfectly written research paper.
Most of the time separate formats are used for different fields of research. For example if you going to use study references for your science and humanities research papers, you will need an outline from the APA format of writing. These outlines are used to help you in the perfect formatting for in-text citations and referencing. All you have to do is collect your written work and insert in where the outline tells you do so. The other outline format which is very popular is the MLA format. Most professors like the MLA format as it is used to write financial and natural science study papers. Check to see how your outline has the MLA format arranged and then just insert your written work in the spaces provided for it.
CBE and Chicago formats are not very commonly used but ask your professors to find which one they like. A few tips to get your use of formatting outlines properly are- 
1. You will find ready to use formatting outlines on the websites of different universities like the University of California English Department Etc.
2. You can use the formats or even the formatted word docs. The formatted word docs are easier to use.

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Writing Research Papers On Panic Disorders - Helpful Tips For Research Students

Should a person be interested on papers regarding panic disorders, there is plenty out there and plenty to read. Should a person want to write about it, there are many ways to do the research.
One of the best places to start is the Anxiety Disorders Association of America. People can contact the employees by writing, calling or going through the Internet. ADAA is a nonprofit organization set on getting awareness out about the different anxieties people can face. It also keeps up with the medical studies, will report on new research and publishes a newsletter. Two other organizations also maintain websites. These are: Anxiety Network International and Obsessive Compulsive Foundation.
Should a person need to write a paper on panic issues, there are several different topics within this broad category.
* How to recognize the start of the panic attack 
* How to arrest a panic attack 
* How to recognize thinking that leads to panic attacks 
* How to differentiate between anxiety and panic attacks 
* How to take control of your life
Should someone need to write a paper about panic disorders, start by gathering research on the Internet and getting other research materials. To really do a good job, a person should really understand what they are writing about. To start off… understand the meanings behind stress, depression, relaxation, worry and phobias. Phobias and disorders can lead to huge misunderstandings if someone does not know the difference.
Any paper about panic disorders will tell the person what happens when a panic attack happens to the sufferers with anxiety and have full blown panic disorder.
What is typically misunderstood is that panic disorders and anxiety attacks are not the same. Anxiety attacks are when a person is overly worried about something that can be described. This worry begins to cause a physical reaction. Yet, when it becomes so intense that the person ignores it, then it turns into a phobia.
Example: Hood flies up at you - You are driving down the highway, driving sixty miles per hour and all of a sudden the hood flies up. You pull over calmly then break down into tears. Afterward, it is hard for you to drive on the road at anything higher than forty miles per hour. This turns into a phobia.
As the person reads further on into the paper on panic disorders, they will find that the anxiety turns into a disorder even when physical symptoms are not attributed to anything in particular. It then says there is nothing to avoid because the situation is not defined. The anxiety here is not a phobia.
This is one area of study with anxiety and panic disorders that is available to research on. It is imperative to understand the definitions to deal with the personal problems in the right manner so you can understand what you are reading.

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Latest 4 Nifty Methods to Breakthrough With Ebook Writing

Ebook writing is getting quite common these days, it is in fact, becoming so common that it is hard to distinguish one ebook from another if they are tackling the same subjects. In addition, readers are now more wary of the kinds of ebooks they buy because they had probably already experienced buying ebooks in the past which did not work well for them at all. Because of all these reasons, it is essential for you to know the latest 4 nifty methods that will enable you to breakthrough with ebook writing.
1. Know the in-demand subjects - if you write about boring and ordinary things then chances are, your ebook is not going to sell. For this reason, it is important for you to research about what people are looking for. Right now, topics about technology and travel are quite popular so you might want to get into this niche before it becomes saturated.
2. Research your resources thoroughly - you need to look for reliable sources when you want to create an ebook. Sometimes, online resources won’t do because they have been rewritten so many times; instead, you also need to browse through books and research papers offline.
3. Create interesting content - don’t write about things that your target audience already know about, you need to write interesting and informative content that will be useful for them. This is the reason why they will buy your ebook in the first place.
4. Promote your ebook - there are many ways to do this; you can even create your own site and direct substantial traffic to it to advertise your ebook. You can utilize the proven traffic generating techniques which includes SEO, link building, article marketing etc. You can also promote your ebook by joining forums and networking sites.

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Education Will Make You Successful

In our society today, people believe in furthering their education in order to become successful. At the same time, everyday more and more young people drop out of school because they feel unmotivated and uninspired to keep on going with their school work. Every student has different problems to deal with in his/her life. Each student that drops out either loses interest in their education or has too much stress on their hands to balance school and other problems that they are facing. In order to better our society, the most useful career a young person could choose would be Education.
After getting a high school diploma, the best thing a person can do is go to college. For a young person, the best major to choose to help them in the future is education. Choosing education as a major would help our society by educating students on a subject that they have never been introduced to before such as math, English, reading, math, and social studies. A young person has the choice to become either an elementary, middle, or high school teacher. An elementary teacher educates students in their basic skills such as math, reading, science, and social studies which paves the road for a student’s future. The duties of a middle school teacher are to further the learning of the basic studies for a better understanding of a subject. Being a high school teacher means that you are responsible for helping a student get to the point of graduation. Their duty is to make sure that all of their students reach that point and to not let them drop out of school.
An education is looked upon as a discipline. It shows how self-disciplined one is by going to school and making it to graduation. School is one of the best places to learn how to be independent and dependent at the same time. A student learns to be independent by learning how to believe in themselves by doing their homework and showing up to school to learn. Students learn how to go on with their day in school on their own by not having their parents around. Not only does a student become independent but also dependent. A student becomes dependent on their teachers.
Choosing education as a major would not only help the students in the school but it would also help themselves in becoming more efficient in a subject. Becoming an educator not only allows someone to help other people but to inspire them also. They could help inspire and motivate students into furthering their education and showing them how having a high education such as a degree in a certain subject that they enjoy could get them far in life. Having an education is one of the most valuable things that one person could have and by majoring in education would not only affect them but also their community.

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